Friday, January 14, 2011

Pay the cost

My ex-roomie and close friend Vivek once told me a simple quote. Its one of those things that keeps hammering into your head..... and you wonder, how is it that something so profound can be said as something so simple.

The mantra of success - Find out what you really want. Then find its cost. And pay it.

Its really so simple... find out the cost of what you want... and then pay it. What can be more simpler than that?

You want to be popular - find out its cost .. it could be learning to dance, increasing your knowledge, or plain old hard work. Do it and get it!

You want to lose weight.... find out its cost? Jog everyday in morning, or eat right , or sleep on time, or join a gym and stick to it. Do it!

You want a girl to fall in love with you.. find out the cost.. find out what you will need to do.. to get her.. do it... and if you paid sincerely, she will be yours!

You want to deliver an awesome presentation to your boss. Find out its cost. Prepare, learn everything about the topic, plan everything, practice hard. Do it!

If you know what you want, you can find out its cost. How many times have you asked a shopkeeper "Sir, I don't know what I want, but can you tell me its cost?" - now now, do I need to tell you what he will reply? Or, if you pay the shopkeeper a thousand bucks, and say "I don't know what I am paying for, but keep it".. I am sure you can expect a bewildered guy - or a laughing shopkeeper.

Same goes for life too.. first, find what you want, then find its cost, and then pay it. You can't skip any of these steps, and you can't find a shortcut either. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Find out what you want. Then find its cost. And then .......... just pay it!

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